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1732951929715.jpg (150.17 KB, 1200x674, 20240520_175659.jpg)

Latvia ITT Balt memes Anon  Nr.5

Memes revolving around the relationships between the Baltic States
7 messages and 19 files omitted. Click Reply to view them.

Latvia Anon  Nr.24

1735656998835-0.png (210.82 KB, 1366x768, 1571762150672.png)

1735656998835-1.png (539.88 KB, 844x488, 7ek80rd2hlk61.png)

1735656998835-2.jpg (206.63 KB, 1200x1200, 1578417013789.jpg)

1735656998835-3.jpg (58.43 KB, 640x430, 1578240138136.jpg)

1735656998835-4.jpg (136.84 KB, 1280x750, 1578332366328.jpg)

1735656998835-5.jpg (131.97 KB, 600x750, reinix.jpg)

1735656998835-6.png (591.94 KB, 657x716, image1-6.png)

1735656998835-7.png (631.25 KB, 800x712, r47pwndhvvd71.png)

1735656998835-8.png (447.2 KB, 1616x620, 79d.png)

1735656998835-9.png (353.71 KB, 448x458, cb56ee48ce3e18bc6667d1ce58….png)


Latvia Anon  Nr.25

1735657038869-0.png (945.02 KB, 1100x648, 1456236553155.png)

1735657038869-1.png (786.7 KB, 1780x1000, 1424206765480-4.png)

1735657038869-2.jpg (223.09 KB, 1077x872, IMG_4153.jpg)

1735657038869-3.gif (2.5 MB, 488x488, balt.gif)

1735657038869-4.png (1.16 MB, 1125x1083, BCVGKDi.png)

1735657038869-5.png (456.05 KB, 1112x813, fLA0mcf.png)

1735657038869-6.png (103.55 KB, 427x320, i.png)

1735657038869-7.png (622.38 KB, 1040x563, iu.png)

1735657038869-8.png (60.67 KB, 1112x813, 1461906757627.png)


Latvia Anon  Nr.26

1735657076469-0.jpg (134.62 KB, 910x1118, IMG_20200718_023032.jpg)

1735657076469-1.jpg (106.72 KB, 1024x455, 1547404600462.jpg)

1735657076469-2.png (1010.1 KB, 886x876, 1578241253955.png)

1735657076469-3.png (1022.54 KB, 1148x767, Screenshot_3.png)

1735657076469-4.png (215.51 KB, 664x913, 1578418970796.png)

1735657076469-5.png (495.96 KB, 600x600, 1578421152382.png)

1735657076469-6.jpg (372.48 KB, 1920x1280, 1550856378991.jpg)


Lithuania Anon  Nr.27

1736255391924-0.jpg (84.66 KB, 813x900, EfnzEGCWAAAPrgs.jpg)

1736255391924-1.png (27.76 KB, 116x128, eesti trash.png)

1736255391924-2.jpg (432.11 KB, 1080x697, baltic indoctrination.jpg)


Latvia Anon  Nr.28

>first pic
rape them all

1733828941206.jpg (62.25 KB, 659x692, 67bb9c1ac648688a9f04f6b126….jpg)

Join the fun while it lasts Anon  Nr.17

Latvia Andrejs Ozols  Nr.18

sex bez norunām, origo tuneļos

1733144811009.jpg (401.83 KB, 600x847, 1715711287547873.jpg)

Poland /polska/ Anon  Nr.10

1 message and 1 files omitted. Click Reply to view them.

Poland Anon  Nr.12

1733144997221.png (57.27 KB, 1656x1788, 1730642917212826.png)

wspaniała toaleta i wspaniałe ręczniczki z makdonalda

Poland Anon  Nr.13

1733155906351.png (25.94 KB, 125x75, 1.png)

Co tu się

Poland Anon  Nr.14

1733155915270.png (42.5 KB, 125x117, 2.png)

Poland Anon  Nr.15

1733155948144.png (39.6 KB, 125x93, 3.png)

Poland Anon  Nr.16

1733163380405.jpg (163.78 KB, 1080x1061, hitler lider.jpg)

oh moja rzeszo!

1732923298674.jpg (113.65 KB, 564x615, 1679304913191301.jpg)

United States Anon  Nr.1

How accepted is it to be a fag in your cunt tree?

Latvia Anon  Nr.2

the whole idea about the baltic states is that being introverted is the norm. so people get pissed off when gays are openly gay. other than that it's somewhat accepted, but mostly by city youngsters

United States Anon  Nr.3

1732930487637.jpg (146.21 KB, 1485x927, 1595254368649.jpg)

Do people also get upset about straight couples being overly romantic in public?

Latvia Anon  Nr.4

Yes, in a "dude I don't need to be seeing you be horny together" way. I think it's a bit more amplified with fags, because there's an extra hatred of their arrogance for flaunting their immorality against society.

Latvia Anon  Nr.7

people don't really care at least in rīga. just don't flaunt it in public. i mean fuck the president is gay, that wouldn't have happened otherwise

Poland Anon  Nr.9

i hate fags tbh

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